Get Involved With Zig Zag Railway!

The Crew

Meet our friendly and passionate crew of volunteers. All the people who work on the railway are volunteers, they volunteer because they enjoy it.

Our volunteers and members are an integral part of the Zig Zag Rail’s success and that is largely due to their enthusiasm and their desire to see the era of the steam train and the genius of the Zig Zag honoured.

There are many roles to play as a Zig Zag volunteer, many participate in the operation of ZZR in such roles as Driver, Fireman, Guard, Guide, Stationmaster or Signalman. 

There are also jobs in Track Maintenance, and Mechanical and Civil Engineering. 

Where required ZZR provides training courses for accreditation under the Rail Safety Act. 

Other activities include selling Tickets, Souvenirs or Refreshments, producing the magazine 'Switchback' and newsletter and there are always opportunities in Administration. Working members can stay on site in historic carriages.